FOX NEWS | GA Aftermath: Rikus Doelens (AGRI) Shares Thoughts

Meet Rikus Doelens, a determined 17-year-old delegate in the The Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI). Having honed his skills through national, regional, and now international experiences, Rikus faces the challenge of garnering support for his committee’s resolution on agriculture. Despite the hurdles ahead, his unwavering dedication and commitment shine through as he prepares to advocate for the Netherlands at the cultural evening.


 Hi, could you please tell me who you are and what commission you are in?

Hello, I am Rikus Doelens and I turned 17 yesterday. I am in The Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI). This is my third time in this committee: one national, one regional and one international.


Did your resolution pass or not?

No, and I think there were a lot of people voting against us. But that is pretty normal for AGRI because it is really technical. Most people don’t understand it and that is mostly the problem. If people don’t understand it, they will vote against it, so that is a disadvantage.


How do you feel about that?

Well, if I am being honest, I did see it coming. I already knew my country was going to vote against it, because it is hard to get people to get something done.


Is there something else you want to say?

Well, I have a really nice committee and we certainly did our best. And, at the cultural evening, everybody has to vote for the Netherlands.



Author: Nuna Cosse

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