POLITICO | The political minds of today

As iMEP continues through the week, committees are constantly working on creating the best clauses they can, and the delegations from all around the world represent the talented political minds of our generation. The importance of this program and the benefit that MEP brings, such as enriching culture, new experiences, and developing the political understanding being mirrored though all the delegations, is no debate. 

Politics is so important and deeply ingrained into our everyday life, so when decisions have to be made it is important our voices are heard because it will affect this generation as much as the current and future generations. As the Member of European Parliament said on Monday, the referendum in the United Kingdom for Brexit was only representative of the 65+ age demographic and not the generation that will need to suffer the consequences of the decision. Now the UK is objectively left in shambles after poorly thought-out and unorganised deals. This is just one example of how important it is that this generation gets involved in politics.

Greta Thunberg is an example. She represents the voices of generation Z in issues such as climate change, and when the representatives running our countries do not take the required action to try save our planet, Greta Thunberg questions this and encourages this generation to take action. The idea of political action is important. While some delegates might be under the voting age and therefore have no impact in elections or referendums, the use of political action causes changes to be made and voices to be heard.

This iMEP session, marking an incredible 30 years of young active political minds, lets us continue having an impact and stay involved in politics. With each committee discussing current and crucial topics, delegates become more educated and politically aware of the constantly changing world around us. Through the creation of the ICs and OCs, we represent the future of policy makers in all political fields. But most of all, the ability to work in the style of the European Parliament represents the possible future of politics in the EU. Whether it is a new delegation, like the delegation of Montenegro, or a delegation that is applying to the EU like Ukraine, or even a guest delegation like the UK or Australia. All the roles are being played to represent the future of politics and the future voices that need to be heard. This session of iMEP is the 59th and marks the incredible achievement of 30 years of MEP. The history runs deep, and we continue to make history with every session we hold.


Author: Ruby Longley

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