POLITICO | Discussions begin in the Committee of International Trade

On the 14th of April, the Committee on International Trade (INTA/AFET) met for their first meeting of this iMEP session. The committee, led by Benjamin Granlund and Rebeka Kamposova, focuses on the relationship of trade and investments between the EU and China. This topic strives to explore discourse surrounding geopolitical tensions caused by the growing power of China. The committee aims to produce a solution to benefit both the EU and China through their proposed clauses.

The committee is discussing various aspects pertinent to the upholding of human rights in the focused situation, arguing that some geopolitical tensions are caused by the breach of human rights in China, but also the difference in socioeconomic values, and the problems this causes to trade and investment when these values of the EU and China clash.

The committee met and began drafting up initial clauses. To understand how their first session went, I interviewed some of the delegates to gather their views on the committee’s proposed clauses so far. The debates have been very active throughout the first session, with the delegate from Malta and the delegate from the UK debating the stance they should approach China with, that being a commercial or a strategic approach – including whether the EU or China should be prioritised when it comes down to international trade. This committee proceeds with lots of participation from all delegates to be able to come to conclusions which will be enclosed in their final clauses. One delegate from Italy says that the committee is characterised by their dynamic and ability to work with each other from debates and suggestions.

So far, the committee has arrived at a definitive crossroads that will go onto influence their clauses, which they started writing in their first session, one of which is their aim to achieve a common ground between the two parties in the relationship, but also aiming to bring benefits to the whole world and not just China. With the argument being that China, with its increase in power over economy and trade, should be limited to allow the whole world to have an active part in trade and have a gain in economy. With Europe being the centre of the committee’s attention and most of the delegates agreeing with this, strong progress was made to produce suitable clauses to fit this agenda. While still respecting the values of China, the committee aims to place Europe at the centre of their attention to stop China being able to control the way European trade is run just because China is a huge and growing power. The focus is being placed on making a stronger European union.

Some debates continue with the divide of whether to support the growth of the People’s Republic of China’s economy. However, the delegate from Malta hopes for the committee’s aims to move more towards prioritising Europe’s economy through making deals with other countries, sharing the values of Europe’s – arguing EU is a way of life and China should not have the power to question the values shared by the countries of the European Union.  

The delegate of Poland in this committee also hopes for the aim of the clauses to show a prioritisation of Europe, and for the clauses to represent the root of the problems, looking at the whole problem and not just one factor. He questioned whether the EU should even trade with China altogether, arguing it gives China too much power as a totalitarian-run country, and comparing the relationship of the EU and China to a cold war-like relationship but with lots of sides against the PRCs regime.

By the end of the session, the committee finished up all of their ICs after a day long of team building and strong debating. A great first session and some really interesting views and ideas going into this process – it will be interesting to see where this committee’s ideas and proposal end up with going into the week.


Author: Ruby Longley

1 thought on “POLITICO | Discussions begin in the Committee of International Trade”

  1. What a wonderful experience for these young people – our future leaders! Young minds bursting with new views and ideas. Let us listen to them and get to know what their views and aspirations are.

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