THE BRUSSELS TIMES | The Journey of a Committee President in the Model European Parliament

In the dynamic world of student parliamentary simulations, the Model European Parliament (MEP) has been a prominent platform for young leaders to showcase their political skills and commitment to European affairs. On this occasion, Antonio Mosquera Bacariza, president of the LIBE/JURI Committee, has kindly shared a bit about his experience in the program.

Mosquera, a student at Carlos III University of Madrid, has participated in the MEP for several consecutive years, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the simulated legislative process and a deep understanding of European affairs. His passion for diplomacy and international relations led him to run for president of the Madrid regional session this year.

His journey in MEP began as a novice delegate in the Galicia regional session, where he stood out for his ability to collaborate in teams and negotiate constructive compromises, allowing him to advance to the national and then international phase in Italy. Over time, he ascended to roles of greater responsibility, actively participating in crucial debates and earning the respect of his peers for his political acumen and work ethic.

During his tenure as a delegate, he demonstrated a profound understanding of the challenges facing the European Union in the field of foreign relations, as well as the ability to lead meaningful discussions and reach effective consensus. These skills made him a natural choice to chair the LIBE/JURI committee, where he has demonstrated strong leadership in guiding his delegates to craft their resolution.

Antonio has used his position to promote constructive dialogue among the delegations represented in MEP, fostering a collaborative approach to global challenges and advocating for solutions based on shared values of peace, democracy, and human rights. His commitment to justice and equality has been evident at every step of his journey, inspiring his colleagues to work together towards a more inclusive and prosperous European future.

Finally, as a farewell message to the delegates, Antonio had these words to share: “I hope that your experience in the MEP is as rewarding as mine; the experiences I have lived have certainly made it worthwhile, but the greatest gift I can take away is the people I have met and who I can now consider friends. From here, I thank MEP Spain for giving me the opportunity to participate in this wonderful program.”


Author: Claudia Aguilar Fernánde

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