THE BRUSSELS TIMES | Promoting Interparty Dialogue to Address EU-China Economic Relations

In the context of growing global economic interconnections, it’s crucial that different political currents work together to tackle the challenges and opportunities arising in the relations between the European Union and China. That’s why at iMEP, it was found necessary to create the INTA/AFET committee, led by students, which has become a space for debate. On April 15th they had the opportunity to meet Mr. Siim Kallas and Mr. Jaak Madison, representatives of liberal and conservative parties who provided their perspectives on this vitally important issue.

The importance of these kinds of interparty dialogues, as one delegate mentioned to me, lies in the complexity of the challenges posed by economic relations between the EU and China. On one hand, it’s undeniable that the significant growth in investments has benefited both economies, fostering trade and development. However, it’s also necessary to address legitimate concerns about questionable investment practices, market access restrictions, and increasing geopolitical tensions.

The representatives of liberal parties have emphasized the importance of maintaining a pragmatic and open approach to trade, fostering economic cooperation with China to boost growth and innovation. They’ve stressed the need to establish clear and transparent rules that promote fair trade practices and greater reciprocity in economic relations.

On the other hand, conservative representatives have emphasized the importance of safeguarding European interests and protecting fundamental values, such as human and labor rights, in any economic agreement with China. They’ve advocated for a more cautious and strategic approach, recognizing the political differences and strategic interests that complicate relations between the EU and China.

Finally, our guests showed concern and interest in the work our delegates are doing. Additionally, a question round was held where they could address doubts and provide information for the drafting of their resolution.

Lastly, despite these differences in approach, it’s encouraging to see how representatives from different political parties can find common ground and work towards constructive solutions, as mentioned by the delegate who was pleasantly surprised by the good relationship between them despite their ideological differences. At a time when geopolitical tensions are rising and economic frictions are a reality, interparty dialogue becomes even more crucial for forging a path forward that benefits all parties involved.


Author: Claudia Aguilar Fernánde

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