POLITICO | The strong committee of SEDE and its objectives

Importance of cybersecurity is obvious in the modern society we live in, but how can this be improved or are there any problems when it comes to cybersecurity? The discussions from the SEDE committee continued on Monday at the Europa Experience Centre here in Tallinn to address this urgent problem. Joined by special guests, Mr. Andres Sutt and Mr. Aare Reintam, the delegates developed their understanding of cybersecurity and advanced in their resolutions. The guests, with their specialised knowledge, suggested new information and ideas for the committee. Thus helping with their aim to improve the directives of cybersecurity. Whether it is to make everyday life safer or to improve cyber solidarity.

Their challenge for this session was to finish their ICs as the deadline is close. To do this they were debating to produce strong and understandable ICs.

I spoke with the delegate from Slovenia to get a closer look at how this committee is doing so far. He explained that the main problem of their topic was that there was a “lack of practical implementation of the directives from the EU” around cybersecurity. In the committee’s clauses they strive to solve this problem and produce practical solutions and realistic measures. As for the debates in their session, the clauses were re-written or given a different context to produce the best solutions to solve this main problem. On behalf of the Slovenian delegation, he described the aim of Slovenia is to “enhance cyber solidarity” and invest more into the sector.

The meeting was very productive and successful, with the committee finishing their ICs and then making a really good start on their OCs. Through competitive debate, the enhancing of the ICs has taken longer than expected, but by the end of the session the committee had some really strong understandable clauses and had struck down some weaker clauses. The delegates argue that the extra time they have spent on the ICs has really just improved their clauses and their understanding of the topic at hand.

I spoke with another member of the SEDE committee, the Maltese delegate. He describes the aim of the committee to be “continuously increasing the standardisation of cyber resilience”. Through this topic they have focused on the importance of education in cybersecurity and the cyber literacy gap. The way to improve this will be detailed in their OCs, focusing on the older demographic in society, with helping them understand technology more for their benefit and safety. In the development of their OCs, and thanks to the special guests in the session enlarging their knowledge, the committee has begun discussing emerging technologies such as quantum computers and the possible threats it poses, weighing it up to the benefits this technology brings. The Maltese delegate suggested the committee needs to find more of a balance of debating and completing the clauses to improve their time management, with this being the only problem in this committee’s meetings.

Delegates from SEDE prove to be on the same understanding of their overall aim, which shows their teamwork and solidarity while working together. They present a very strong committee and I hope to see this strength mirrored through in their ICs and OCs in the General Assembly. With a strong performance from all the delegates and hope to gain support from other committees and delegations, we look forward to the General Assembly when the committee will present their clauses.


Author: Ruby Longley


1 thought on “POLITICO | The strong committee of SEDE and its objectives”

  1. Arn Sebastian Evensen

    I totally agree, SEDE is the best comitee by far, with their extravagant way of cooperating to create perfect ic’s and oc’s. Almost as good as the handsome delegate of netherlands and his beautiful delegate from norway.

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