LIVE BLOG | The debate has ended

The debate comes to an end with a closing speach and a round of aplause for everyone and our european candidates.


Yoko Alender presents her arguement to the question, She says how the economy is so based and reliant on fossil fuels and the role of the EU


Hendrik Terras now responds to the question, further agreeing. He suggests how the ukrainian war has woken up Europe.


Yana Toom also agrees.


The first question coming from a deleagte questioning if the situation in russia has accelerated the green progress. Vootele Pai responds immedieatly with a yes and then offers context. Virve Linder then takes the question expading of the previous answer.


the floor is open for questions on this topic.


Anti Poolaments suggests the importance of critical thinking when it comes to climate change. he explains the need to be open to new infomation and developments, the need for investments in thse developments and emphesises that rural life under threat.


Vootele Pai is now seaking. he presents the problems of climate change effecting food and farmers at places like vinyards in France.


The microphone is passed to Yoko Alender. she presnts a counter arguement saysing that estonias investments are big and the possibility to compete exists.


Virve Linder agrees with Toom in her arguement. she suggest the need to maintain the competitiveńess of European companies in the power industry.


Yana Toom is takes the debate. she talks about the power problem with the war of Russia and Ukrain. she talks about how people were more optimistic before the war. she suggests we need to find a balance.


Hendrik Terras is now speaking to talk about the problems of carbon energy and saying we must find an alernative.


Ivo Visak asks another question from Alender. she responds.


Yoko Alender is now speaking and suggests that nuclear energy is not the correct solution to the probelm of climate change.


Hendrik Terras now sugests that there is many sides to this question and that we should start to build the framework for nuclear power. he says nuclear power is a must for Estonia.


Yana Toom now takes the debate and presnet her arguement for nuclear power.


Virve Linder presnets her agrument for nuclear energy.


Vootle Pai suggests we should focus on renuwable energy


Anti Poolaments presnts his arguement in agreement with nuclear energy.


we now move onto the 3r topic around climate change and sustainablity. nuclear or not?


Vootele Pai now responds to the question.


The question is now passed onto Yana Toom. she presnts a counter arguement to Terras


The question is now passed onto Hendrik Terras. he suggests the need to a good company culture for a successful company.


The question is passed to Yoko Alender, she mentions the need for life and job divide and the need for this to go hand in hand.


The next question is taken about the problems around the problems around applying for jobs, and young people sturggling to get jobs. Virve Linder responds to this question


The floor now moves to questions from the delegates. the first qurestion is taken and Jana Toom resonds


Anti Poolaid talks about Estonia’s history with being occupied and compares different European countries’ salaries.


Visak asks about the problem of internships being transferred into work. Hendrik Terras responds to his question


The debate is passed onto the next speaker, Virve Linder. she suggests the need for younger people needing to fill roles in the future and how immigration an be useful to production but young people also do need to move up to the job world.


She questions where the line lies between free movement and immigration and the problems immigration causes to some country’s


Yana Toom responds to the question agreeing with Visak. She recognizes the problems faced towards the younger generation around owning property but suggests it is a difficult problem to solve.


Ivo Vsak asks about how young people now have the problem on owning their own property and maintaining a sustainable life. the problems of young adults stuck in rentals


The debate is passed onto Hendrik Terras. He argues that production changes with each country, and how some country’s need help for productivity but some will be benefiting from the young people going into work.


Yoko Alender begins the debate. She begins by suggesting making Tallinn more approachable for people to move here. she states the need to increase productivity, and the problems of AI and how this is a threat to human skills.


We move onto the 2nd topic around young people and technology. how many new hands and brains do we need form abroad?


Virve Linder responds to Italy’s question, suggesting the problem is in the system and the principles having a lot of responsibility to make this change to improve students wellbeing. Vootele Pai continues her answer for this question. he suggests the teaching of languages isn’t good enough for students to actually remember – it isn’t efficient learning. he questions how to make learning more efficient.


the last question from the delegate of Italy around the students being less prioritized and asking for a change to make students wellbeing better


The next question is now being asked by the delegate to the European candidates. Yana Toom answers suggesting the problem is low salary’s for the problems of teachers.


currently asking a question is Swedish delegate asking why the workloads of teachers is different in different areas. Yoko Alender answers presenting the rural vs urban answer


The debate is now passed to the floor, open for the delegates to now ask questions.


Yoko Alender takes the debate now, she talks about how the problems around teachers has effected education for children, she suggests the use of digital tools and making school more integrated with everyday life – including more life skills in the education system.


He continues his argument around the reasons why education should be improved in Estonia, bringing in the idea of transfer students from across the world.


Hendrik Terras continues with the debate continuing with the idea of the teacher in education and how the role could be improved in Europe.


Ivo Visak makes a counter argument to Yana Tooms argument


Yana Toom starts her debate around education in Europe, explaining the ways education can be improved in European level. She questions what a teacher is, making her point of the qualifications to become a teacher.


The next European candidate, Virve Linder, present her argument in the debate around education, calling for a reorganization of education is some places in Estonia for a better education and use of teachers


The next candidate, explains his argument of how education should be improved and the positives of education around the world presenting his argument of the need for more stem students going through education – making stem subjects more interesting for students.


He continues to explain his argument around why teachers roles are needed to be improved in education around the world. A counter debate is given by the next candidate of the European parliament.


The first European parliament candidate is talking as the first speaker of the debate, presenting his argument surrounding education around the school environment for teachers.


We make a start with the first topic of education with a brief introduction into the reason of the debate


Candidates from the European parliment are indroduced.


An introduction to the debate is given from the speaker 


We begin to make a start with candidates of the European parliament sitting down at the front of the assembly


People are gathering in the hall.


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