EUobserver | Preserving Press Freedom Amid Rising SLAPP Cases

Nowadays, with the increase of SLAPP cases  strategic lawsuit for public participation- press freedom has been limited, making journalists afraid to report on crucial matters. Recognizing the urgency of the issue, the Committee on Legal Affairs/Subcommittee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs decided to step in and address this issue. Their goal is to discover possible ways through which press freedom will be safeguarded without wrecking somebody’s reputation. 

SLAPP cases refer to lawsuits initiated by individuals, companies, or entities, aiming to intimidate and silence critics by compelling them into prolonged and expensive legal disputes. These lawsuits not only drain the resources of journalists but also hinder them from pursuing investigative journalism and speaking the truth. 

During the first committee meeting, the delegates discovered and analyzed the motives behind the development of the aforementioned issue. According to the delegate of Turkey, after all the delegates had the opportunity to express their viewpoints, a wide range of ideas were proposed. Despite some disagreements, the delegate seemed enthusiastic about both the environment of the committee and the progress of the resolution. Key points of their discussion concerned awareness and support of journalists, both emotionally and economically. 

As SLAPP cases continue to threaten the integrity and freedom of expression of journalists across the European Union, the committee’s proposals to solve the issue are of utmost importance in order to limit the rise of this negative trend.


Author: Ariadni Georgakopoulou

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