EUobserver | LIBE/JURI: Paving the way for a future where democracy thrives

We used to say that by 2050 we would have flying cars, underlining the expectation that technology would have advanced and been widely embraced by then. However, as of 2024, the full-scale implementation of e-voting systems within the EU, a technological solution with a view to enhancing the accessibility of democratic procedures, is still debated. Actually, Estonia stands as the only EU country that has completely integrated such systems. The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs/Legal Affairs (LIBE/JURI) proceeds to tackle this momentous issue.

Democratic procedures aim to ensure that all citizens have equal rights to participate in decision-making processes. As stated by the delegate of Hellas, their primary goal is to enhance accessibility for all citizens, with a particular emphasis on voting, and more specifically, on e-voting, while simultaneously ensuring the successful implementation of it.

During the second day of meetings, the committee on LIBE/JURI proceeded with coming up with credible solutions, so as to address the issues the EU faces when it comes to e-voting. The delegate of Hellas stated that everyone was able to express their viewpoints while the committee environment was friendly and without any serious disagreements. Their discussions mostly referred to people with disabilities, security aspects, public’s education and trust.

E-voting systems seem to be promising. They enhance accessibility by enabling citizens to vote remotely, which removes geographical barriers while facilitating the participation of those with disabilities or mobility issues. They contain necessary measures for security against unauthorized access, tampering and manipulation. Nevertheless, the adaptation of e-voting systems remains challenging. According to the delegate of Hellas: “Communication is key. If you do not have communication and trust from your people, if you don’t have acceptance, you can’t go anywhere.” Therefore, it is understood that convincing the public is of utmost importance since without its acceptance it will be futile and meaningless to adopt them.

The journey towards the adoption of e-voting systems remains arduous, despite their necessity for an ameliorated society. However, through dialogue and collaboration, the committee opts to pave the way for a future where democracy thrives, powered by inclusive and secure electronic voting processes.


Author: Ariadni Georgakopoulou

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