EUobserver | “If you sign mine, I’ll sign yours”

Amendments, textual changes, debates and even some disagreements describe today’s challenge during lobbying. 

Having completed their committee meetings, the delegates had the chance to alter the solutions of other delegations and offer their own revisions. Each amendment discussed was an opportunity for further debate and disputes.

Some delegates were open minded, they listened attentively to the arguments proposed by others, while contemplating the merits of each proposal carefully, in lieu of holding onto their own ideas. They remained flexible, willing to adapt and compromise in order to achieve consensus.

Others were more competitive and arrogant delegates. Not holding their ground was likely perceived as a sign of weakness for them. They were unwilling to process other proposals, only considering to empower theirs. Undoubtedly, occasionally such actions created an atmosphere of hostility and distrust.

There was a third category as well. « If you sign mine I’ll sign yours », this was the motive of some delegates. They would sign amendments only if the other person would sign theirs too, without even hearing the amendment proposed.


Author: Ariadni Georgakopoulou

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