CNN | Press Conference Summary

On the 16th of April, the 3rd day of the iMEP session in Tallinn, delegates had the opportunity to attend a press conference. There they wielded questions from the Press Committee regarding their resolutions, work environments, and relationships with other delegates.

Some noteworthy moments from the conference include:

  • Questioning of the ECON/DEVE committee about the late submission of their resolution, where they sidestepped the question, instead focusing on the collaborative efforts within their committee. 
  • The representative of INTA/AFET shared their perspective on Europe’s relations with China, stating a desire to reduce ties rather than sever them completely.
  • A delegate representing their committee at the press conference was approached by a spectator asking for her Snapchat, to which the request was declined.
  • Lastly, the representative of FEMM expressed the belief that social media should be accountable for the changes to their resolution. They also advocated for the promotion of appropriate behaviour through measures such as AI-based moderation.

The press conference proved to be both eventful and enjoyable for the delegates from each country. Despite the demands of the press conference, committee meetings, and the correction panel, delegates could look forward to a karaoke night the following day to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.


Author: Konstantinos Paraskakis

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