CNN | MEP Convention Opens with Resonant Speeches, AFET Deliberations on Ukraine Rebuilding Continue

The 15th of April marked the official commencement of the 59th International Model European Parliament in Tallinn. The day started with great fanfare as esteemed dignitaries took the stage to address a captivated audience. The opening ceremony saw notable figures such as the Prime Minister of Estonia, H.E. Mrs. Kaja Kallas, alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, H.E. Mr. Margus Tsahkna, and MEP Mrs. Marina Kalijurand, delivering poignant speeches that set the tone for the event. After the speeches delivered by each participating country’s head of delegation, delegates were once again ready to delve into meaningful discussions, so as to proceed with the drafting of their resolution. 

While committee meetings were taking place, CNN visited the committee on AFET to observe and report their progress. After observing the committee work, I interviewed Bulgarian delegate Stanimir Stoyanov. In our time together we discussed their committee’s subject which is rebuilding Ukraine. He explained that he and his team split the problem into three sections, infrastructure defense, and member states, and described his committee’s environment as “fairly competitive”  and “motivating to work for”, while also stating that he believed that his committee is at the same pace as the others but their resolution is better structured and more thought out. When asked about the most argumentative members of his committee, he mentioned the delegates of Greece and Belgium since they “have an argument for many of the suggestions but it helps form a better resolution”.

After being asked whether he thinks the current member states are capable of rebuilding Ukraine, he expressed his opinion that most member states have the ability but lack initiative. When asked if Ukraine deserves to be a candidate country in the EU, he said that although it seemed a bit rushed, only time can tell if it was the right decision. Before concluding the conversation, I asked about his committee’s focus areas during discussions, and he suggested that they should prioritise the sector of “member state” which is rebuilding Ukraine to aid its integration into the EU.

The insights gleaned from committee observations and interviews, shed light on the dedication and strategic approach guiding discussions on the issue of rebuilding Ukraine. Stoyanov’s perspective highlights the dynamic nature of the convention, characterised by both spirited debate and a shared commitment to finding effective solutions on the matter.


Author: Konstantinos Paraskakis

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