CNN | A Glance Of iMEP Tallinn

Today marks the beginning of the 59th international MEP session in Estonia. Young people from all over Europe have come together in the city of Tallinn to discuss pressing issues and come up with solutions that will shape the future of Europe. CNN was present throughout the first day of the session and has brought all the details from today.

My first stop was the Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE) in which delegates are focusing on the issue of surging cybersecurity risks. One of the Presidents of the Committee talked to CNN and answered some of our questions.

During our interview he stated that the topic of cybersecurity is crucial for the EU. He described his committee’s environment as “competitive, yet fun” and that the members are active and eager to participate in discussions. When asked about his opinion on who’s the most influential delegate, he said that they are all influential as it’s a widespread participation.

My second and last stop of the day was the Committee on Economic Affairs/Development (ECON/DEVE) where I interviewed a delegate from Montenegro. While interviewing him, he recounted his experience with his committee as lively and although there were many arguments, he felt like they bonded through this experience .The delegate stated that the topic of industrial growth of the manufacturing sector in the EU is one of the biggest challenges the EU is facing today. When asked about influential delegates, he expressed that the delegate of Greece was the most influential in his committee. Lastly, he mentioned that the members had a surprising amount of arguments during their meeting.

The committees had a productive day and an excellent start to their discussions.


Author: Konstantinos Paraskakis

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