BBC | Ventilation problem causes delegates to suffer

The upcoming issue of rebuilding Ukraine raises questions and seemingly an oppressive mood. However, this is due to the oxygen content in the committee room. At this point, the press strongly recommends that every committee ventilates regularly, as this was also the case in other committees. Nevertheless, the delegates were not deterred from continuing to work productively. According to the committee president Magnus, the committee is endeavoring to conclude the ICs today. 

After interviewing some delegates, the press can tell with a high degree of certainty of general satisfaction in the committee. “Everyone is really active and knows how to contribute to the work.” When asked by the press whether heated debates had already taken place, the delegates unfortunately had to reply in the negative; debates were calm – even “civilized”. We wonder whether the oxygen content has anything to do with it.   

While the debate on the ICs continued, it was characterized by aggressive gum chewing on the part of the delegates of Australia and Cyprus. Other delegates yawned conspicuously often, which was of course(!) solely due to the poor air quality. 

Focusing on the delegate’s group work, one can say that they worked together productively. Some spoke of their committee as a “relevant topic”. Even though the air in the committee’s room was a major obstacle, they were able to handle the problem well enough. 

Dear readers: so if you see a member of the AFET committee collapsing, do not hesitate and provide first aid! A course will certainly be sponsored by the iMEP. 


Author: Hannah Link


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