BBC | Suspicious silence in the TRAN committee

What would you recommend to the member states? What is the first thing they should do to reduce CO2 emissions? The answers were all unanimous – motivating citizens to use more public transportation!

Working in small groups, IC formulation: that was on the TRAN committee’s programme for today. Have alliances already been formed here? According to CP Rudolph, this was not the case, but you can never be quite sure about the dirty business of the delegates.

Each of the “alliances” focused on a different IC and perfecting it. The mood in the committee was really pleasant according to the delegates of Greece, Cyprus and Belgium. Everyone worked in small groups and through this, the committee progressed very well. The delegates of Austria, Germany and Ukraine called their colleagues creative and confirmed the calm atmosphere. 

Everything seems to be running like clockwork in the TRAN committee, but are appearances deceptive? Suddenly, the first revelation happened: the CPs ran around excitedly to offer their delegates advice and support. Was this a crisis? What crisis was the committee fighting? The scales fell from the eyes of the press – of course, the climate crisis!

When asked how urgent the climate crisis was, CP Tobias replied that the urgency was often underestimated. However, the “climate crisis is the only most important crisis”. 

The press wanted to know more: “What is your committee doing to tackle the problem?” The answer came directly: “We need to rethink the way we transport people. The EU needs more efficiency in the transport sector.”

As soon as the press left the room, insider information hailed: according to an anonymous source, the Estonian delegate is said to have played eight different video games during the committee meeting. Other anonymous sources report with dismay about the “scarcity of blonde girls and pretty girls in general”. 

It seems that the TRAN committee is not as innocent as it pretends. The press is eagerly awaiting further revelations. Do not hesitate and report directly if you observe collusion.


Author: Hannah Link

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